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發佈時間:2011年10月10日 14:26:31    作者:開心遊戲網    人氣:76170    進入討論區











當這純潔白色的羽毛掉落在你手上的同時,微微的感受到這羽毛在釋放著一股魔法能量。 接著一道聖潔白光從天而降籠罩在你的周圍,慢慢的,你置身在一座森林之中。 走著好一會兒,眼前先後出現自治隊.隊員和魔物軍團的身影,最後還有一個大寶箱。 下一秒,幻境空間碎裂,你回到了原處。 「若跟著幻境裡路標的指引,說不定就能解開這根羽毛的秘密,先去找自治隊.隊員,幫他擊退魔物軍團並且打破大寶箱吧!」 ◎自治隊.隊員位於翡翠樹海、古代砂海。 翡翠樹海的危機:Lv40~Lv50 古代砂海的危機:Lv51以上 ※承接絕影轉職任務後,將無法在更換其他職業任務,請確定你所要轉職的職業。

九尾白紋羽靜靜的停留在你手上。 「看樣子沒幫忙擊退魔物軍團並且打破大寶箱之前,白紋羽毛是不是未有任何動靜的。」 「不如跟它指示,去看看裡面有什麼寶物倒也不錯,說不定會有好東西。」

任務完成: 狩獵 村民感謝大寶箱 1 隻



接取任務條件: 完成任務“Lv40.絕命戰影

再一次握住九尾白紋羽後,眼前的景象竟然如真實一般動了起來。 娜西走在一條小溪旁,突然,一群猴子從旁衝了出來,還奪走了娜西的布娃娃。 於是娜西一路哭著走回春玉城,每天愁眉苦臉的。 「看來娜西是這次任務的關鍵,趕緊去關心一下!」

「前陣子,我的娃娃被殘酷殺手‧羅亞搶走了,原本有一個好心的勇者買了一隻新的拉布熊給我。」 「可是上次跟隔壁村的波比去郊遊的時候,竟然又遇上一群兇惡的猴子,我們身上的糖果和可愛的娃娃全都被猴子們給拿走了。」 「那天我帶的還是全新的穿禮服的拉布熊耶。」 「以後我不要帶娃娃去郊遊了啦,嗚嗚…。」




 接取任務條件: 完成任務“Lv40.調皮的猴子

九尾白紋羽顯示出來的森林中,出現了武鬥場商人瑪索的貨車,貨車一路開往春玉城。 在貨車裡頭,可以清楚的看見放了很多的布娃娃,裡面有很多不同樣式的拉布熊。 其中有幾隻的造型是穿著禮服的款式,看起來和娜西所說的娃娃一模一樣。 「既然如此,現在就去星空武鬥場搜集星空武鬥幣,再去找霜之森的瑪索買下這隻穿禮服的拉布熊吧!」

「以後我要聽媽媽的話,不要帶娃娃去郊遊了,猴子真的很過分!」 「希望有一天還能夠再看見我的禮服拉布熊,我會好好愛惜它的。」 「穿禮服的拉布熊…難道就這樣離開我身邊嗎?」

 任務完成:取得  穿禮服的拉布熊 1 個





九尾白紋羽顯現出的森林中,看到托特的武器店繁忙的情況,在匕首部份其中有一把正是冰晶雙匕。 「製作冰晶雙匕對我來說並不是什麼難事,只要願意花時間應該是沒問題。」 「好吧…好人做到底,我就幫娜西做一把冰晶雙匕給托特吧!反正九尾白紋羽似乎也有意要我幫忙。」

「我的天呀…最近手頭上的案子多到連我自己都記不得有哪些了。」 「雖然案子多是好事…不過這個數量真的是讓我這些日子忙到焦頭爛額。」 「有一些還要我去搜集材料才能製作出的特殊武器,我哪來那麼多時間去生這些東西給客戶呢…唉。」

 任務完成:取得  冰晶雙匕 1 個





碰觸九尾白紋羽後,這次出現的竟然是春玉城內的戰場商人-辛塔。 「看來,在霜之森春玉城內的戰場商人那邊,應該可以買到殺手秘卷。」 「不知道殺手秘卷裡面到底記載了怎樣的刺客技能,既然托特都已經告訴我這個消息了,那就快去找戰場商人購買殺手秘卷吧。」 「不過戰場商人只接受使用戰場金幣交易,不知道身上的金幣是否足夠…。」

「不知道這次取得殺手秘卷之後,九尾白紋羽又會出現什麼樣的景象。」 「難到九尾白紋羽會出現如何運用殺手秘卷的訣竅嗎?算了,在這亂想也沒用,還是先去取得殺手秘卷吧。」

 任務完成:取得  殺手密卷 1 個





使用九尾白紋羽後,你好像千里眼似的,突然可以清清楚楚的看見日暮嶺所有地方。 你看見躲藏在陰暗樹林中的盜竊鬼手.艾吉爾,他突然從樹林中竄出,以迅捷的身手向正在趕路的商人們下手,奪走了他們的財物後,就立刻揚長而去了。 幾分鐘後,眼前的景色又突然消失了。 「盜竊鬼手.艾吉爾真是卑鄙,竟然對沒有防衛能力的商人們下手,看樣子,我得去擊敗盜竊鬼手.艾吉爾,替那群商人討回公道…。」

「那群商人的錢財也是他們自己努力過後才賺來的,盜竊鬼手.艾吉爾就這樣奪取他人的財務,這樣的行為真是太可恥了。」 「我一定要逮到盜竊鬼手.艾吉爾,然後再狠狠的教訓他一頓。」

任務完成:狩獵  盜竊鬼手.艾吉爾 1 隻





使用九尾白紋羽後,你又被特殊的景象包圍住,而羽毛和雕像之間緩緩連成一條光束,而雕像開始對你說話。 「我乃九尾天狐。數百年以前,為了庇祐廣大月狐族後代子民,我將我身上的黑白鬃毛取出後,注入能量,幻化出大量黑白紋羽,你手上的九尾白紋羽就是其中一個。」 「羽毛會自己找尋合適的族人,接受一連串的考驗,你在到達這裡之前,相信你已經過了重重難關。」 「假使通過所有的考驗,你將能得到我注入在紋羽上的能量。」 「你的最後一個考驗,就是帶著九尾白紋羽去找霜之森的阿伊慕,她自然會告訴你該做什麼。」

「南方大陸動亂了這麼久,什麼時候才能回復到以往的和平呢?」 「身為月狐族唯一的戰爭英雄,我一定要守護月狐族的未來。」 「希望能再度出現被九尾天狐挑選的月狐子民,若被挑選的子民再度出現,相信就是這場動亂止歇之時…。」

任務完成:與NPC、榮耀之盾.戰爭英雄 阿依幕





九尾黑紋羽傳出九尾天狐的聲音。 「阿伊慕是月狐族中唯一的戰爭英雄,戰爭英雄的稱號非浪得虛名,你得全力以赴。」 「吾最欣賞她有顆仁慈的心,況且同樣身為月狐族的同胞,相信她不會下手太重,你不必擔心。」 「這只是吾對你的考驗,若是你真的贏了阿伊慕也別驕傲,因為她不會施展全力的。」 (接受任務後,直接傳送到試煉之地,進行阿伊慕的英雄試煉。)

九尾黑紋羽的聲音仍然在你腦海中迴盪。 「阿伊慕是歷代大祭司家族中,各方面能力都很頂尖的月狐祭司。」 「自從在撤退戰中和他姊姊吉雅失散後,每天都思念著姊姊。」 「等你順利得到我傳授的力量後,希望你能好好保護月狐族,並盡力協助阿伊慕。」

任務完成:狩獵  榮耀之盾.戰爭英雄.阿依幕 1 隻 取得 九尾白紋羽‧絕影 1 個








#1 2019-05-21 11:22:56 作者: 開心遊戲 訪客
I discovered your 刺客二轉「絕影」流程完全解析 - 晴空物語online - 官方合作資料攻略站 - 開心遊戲網 HehaGame page and noticed you could have a lot more traffic. I have found that the key to running a website is making sure the visitors you are getting are interested in your subject matter. We can send you targeted traffic and we let you try it for free. Get over 1,000 targeted visitors per day to your website. Start your free trial: http://webhop.se/14rq Unsubscribe here: https://oxx.jp/2b
#2 2019-03-26 06:50:33 作者: 開心遊戲 訪客
I came to your 刺客二轉「絕影」流程完全解析 - 晴空物語online - 官方合作資料攻略站 - 開心遊戲網 HehaGame page and noticed you could have a lot more traffic. I have found that the key to running a website is making sure the visitors you are getting are interested in your subject matter. We can send you targeted traffic and we let you try it for free. Get over 1,000 targeted visitors per day to your website. Start your free trial: http://webhop.se/14rq Unsubscribe here: https://oxx.jp/2b
#3 2019-03-11 14:32:16 作者: 開心遊戲 訪客
I discovered your 刺客二轉「絕影」流程完全解析 - 晴空物語online - 官方合作資料攻略站 - 開心遊戲網 HehaGame page and noticed you could have a lot more traffic. I have found that the key to running a website is making sure the visitors you are getting are interested in your subject matter. We can send you targeted traffic and we let you try it for free. Get over 1,000 targeted visitors per day to your website. Check it out here: http://webhop.se/14rq Unsubscribe here: https://oxx.jp/2b
#4 2019-03-05 10:40:35 作者: 開心遊戲 訪客
This is a comment to the 刺客二轉「絕影」流程完全解析 - 晴空物語online - 官方合作資料攻略站 - 開心遊戲網 HehaGame admin. Your website is missing out on at least 300 visitors per day. Our traffic system will dramatically increase your traffic to your website: http://mly.li/2if - We offer 500 free targeted visitors during our free trial period and we offer up to 30,000 targeted visitors per month. Hope this helps :) Unsubscribe here: http://y.rxhnet.de/5kfw
#5 2019-02-21 13:31:53 作者: 開心遊戲 訪客
I came across your 刺客二轉「絕影」流程完全解析 - 晴空物語online - 官方合作資料攻略站 - 開心遊戲網 HehaGame website and wanted to let you know that we have decided to open our POWERFUL and PRIVATE web traffic system to the public for a limited time! You can sign up for our targeted traffic network with a free trial as we make this offer available again. If you need targeted traffic that is interested in your subject matter or products start your free trial today: http://mly.li/2if Unsubscribe here: http://y.rxhnet.de/5kfw
#6 2019-02-16 11:21:47 作者: 開心遊戲 訪客
I came across your 刺客二轉「絕影」流程完全解析 - 晴空物語online - 官方合作資料攻略站 - 開心遊戲網 HehaGame website and wanted to let you know that we have decided to open our POWERFUL and PRIVATE web traffic system to the public for a limited time! You can sign up for our targeted traffic network with a free trial as we make this offer available again. If you need targeted traffic that is interested in your subject matter or products start your free trial today: http://mly.li/2if Unsubscribe here: http://y.rxhnet.de/5kfw
#7 2019-02-12 14:10:23 作者: 開心遊戲 訪客
I came across your 刺客二轉「絕影」流程完全解析 - 晴空物語online - 官方合作資料攻略站 - 開心遊戲網 HehaGame website and wanted to let you know that we have decided to open our POWERFUL and PRIVATE web traffic system to the public for a limited time! You can sign up for our targeted traffic network with a free trial as we make this offer available again. If you need targeted traffic that is interested in your subject matter or products start your free trial today: https://short.dicecraft.de/7qgi4 Unsubscribe here: http://y.rxhnet.de/5kfw
#8 2019-02-01 13:29:07 作者: 開心遊戲 訪客
This is a message to the 刺客二轉「絕影」流程完全解析 - 晴空物語online - 官方合作資料攻略站 - 開心遊戲網 HehaGame webmaster. Your website is missing out on at least 300 visitors per day. Our traffic system will dramatically increase your traffic to your website: http://sp7.site/7 - We offer 500 free targeted visitors during our free trial period and we offer up to 30,000 targeted visitors per month. Hope this helps :) Unsubscribe here: http://y.rxhnet.de/5kfw
#9 2019-01-27 12:11:17 作者: 開心遊戲 訪客
I discovered your 刺客二轉「絕影」流程完全解析 - 晴空物語online - 官方合作資料攻略站 - 開心遊戲網 HehaGame page and noticed you could have a lot more traffic. I have found that the key to running a website is making sure the visitors you are getting are interested in your subject matter. We can send you targeted traffic and we let you try it for free. Get over 1,000 targeted visitors per day to your website. Start your free trial: http://sp7.site/7 Unsubscribe here: http://y.rxhnet.de/5kfw
#10 2019-01-14 14:51:34 作者: 開心遊戲 訪客
I came across your 刺客二轉「絕影」流程完全解析 - 晴空物語online - 官方合作資料攻略站 - 開心遊戲網 HehaGame website and wanted to let you know that we have decided to open our POWERFUL and PRIVATE website traffic system to the public for a limited time! You can sign up for our targeted traffic network with a free trial as we make this offer available again. If you need targeted traffic that is interested in your subject matter or products start your free trial today: http://sp7.site/7 Unsubscribe here: http://sp7.site/8
#11 2018-12-31 06:13:15 作者: 開心遊戲 訪客
I discovered your 刺客二轉「絕影」流程完全解析 - 晴空物語online - 官方合作資料攻略站 - 開心遊戲網 HehaGame page and noticed you could have a lot more traffic. I have found that the key to running a website is making sure the visitors you are getting are interested in your subject matter. We can send you targeted traffic and we let you try it for free. Get over 1,000 targeted visitors per day to your website. Check it out here: http://sp7.site/7 Unsubscribe here: http://sp7.site/8
#12 2018-12-25 11:53:10 作者: 開心遊戲 訪客
I discovered your 刺客二轉「絕影」流程完全解析 - 晴空物語online - 官方合作資料攻略站 - 開心遊戲網 HehaGame page and noticed you could have a lot more traffic. I have found that the key to running a website is making sure the visitors you are getting are interested in your subject matter. We can send you targeted traffic and we let you try it for free. Get over 1,000 targeted visitors per day to your website. Check it out here: http://sp7.site/7 Unsubscribe here: http://sp7.site/8
#13 2018-12-18 11:40:49 作者: 開心遊戲 訪客
This is a comment to the 刺客二轉「絕影」流程完全解析 - 晴空物語online - 官方合作資料攻略站 - 開心遊戲網 HehaGame webmaster. Your website is missing out on at least 300 visitors per day. Our traffic system will dramatically increase your traffic to your site: http://sp7.site/7 - We offer 500 free targeted visitors during our free trial period and we offer up to 30,000 targeted visitors per month. Hope this helps :) Unsubscribe here: http://sp7.site/8
#14 2018-12-06 08:16:01 作者: 開心遊戲 訪客
I came across your 刺客二轉「絕影」流程完全解析 - 晴空物語online - 官方合作資料攻略站 - 開心遊戲網 HehaGame website and wanted to let you know that we have decided to open our POWERFUL and PRIVATE web traffic system to the public for a limited time! You can sign up for our targeted traffic network with a free trial as we make this offer available again. If you need targeted traffic that is interested in your subject matter or products start your free trial today: http://www.edubit.be/link/v4n0 Unsubscribe here: http://2url.de/1alt
#15 2018-11-27 11:19:39 作者: 開心遊戲 訪客
This is a comment to the 刺客二轉「絕影」流程完全解析 - 晴空物語online - 官方合作資料攻略站 - 開心遊戲網 HehaGame webmaster. Your website is missing out on at least 300 visitors per day. Our traffic system will dramatically increase your traffic to your site: https://pgxp.fr/rwlu5 - We offer 500 free targeted visitors during our free trial period and we offer up to 30,000 targeted visitors per month. Hope this helps :) Unsubscribe here: https://twe.lv/gg
#16 2018-11-17 10:53:43 作者: 開心遊戲 訪客
This is a comment to the 刺客二轉「絕影」流程完全解析 - 晴空物語online - 官方合作資料攻略站 - 開心遊戲網 HehaGame admin. Your website is missing out on at least 300 visitors per day. Our traffic system will dramatically increase your traffic to your website: http://boesch-web.ch/s/2g - We offer 500 free targeted visitors during our free trial period and we offer up to 30,000 targeted visitors per month. Hope this helps :) Unsubscribe here: https://twe.lv/gg
#17 2018-10-21 09:46:33 作者: 開心遊戲 訪客
This is a message to the 刺客二轉「絕影」流程完全解析 - 晴空物語online - 官方合作資料攻略站 - 開心遊戲網 HehaGame webmaster. Your website is missing out on at least 300 visitors per day. Our traffic system will dramatically increase your traffic to your website: https://38x.de/92sj7 - We offer 500 free targeted visitors during our free trial period and we offer up to 30,000 targeted visitors per month. Hope this helps :) Unsubscribe here: https://twe.lv/gg
#18 2018-10-12 14:32:07 作者: 開心遊戲 訪客
I came across your 刺客二轉「絕影」流程完全解析 - 晴空物語online - 官方合作資料攻略站 - 開心遊戲網 HehaGame website and wanted to let you know that we have decided to open our POWERFUL and PRIVATE web traffic system to the public for a limited time! You can sign up for our targeted traffic network with a free trial as we make this offer available again. If you need targeted traffic that is interested in your subject matter or products start your free trial today: http://s.miku.moe/jbpuz Unsubscribe here: https://twe.lv/gg
#19 2018-04-14 15:48:09 作者: 開心遊戲 訪客
This is a comment to the 刺客二轉「絕影」流程完全解析 - 晴空物語online - 官方合作資料攻略站 - 開心遊戲網 HehaGame webmaster. Your website is missing out on at least 300 visitors per day. Our traffic system will dramatically increase your traffic to your site: http://xahl.de/p - We offer 500 free targeted visitors during our free trial period and we offer up to 30,000 targeted visitors per month. Hope this helps :) Unsubscribe here: http://xahl.de/q
#20 2017-03-31 20:46:13 作者: 開心遊戲 訪客
Hello my name is Tami Sandoval and I just wanted to send you a quick message here instead of calling you. I discovered your 刺客二轉「絕影」流程完全解析 - 晴空物語online - 官方合作資料攻略站 - 開心遊戲網 HehaGame page and noticed you could have a lot more traffic. I have found that the key to running a popular website is making sure the visitors you are getting are interested in your subject matter. There is a company that you can get keyword targeted visitors from and they let you try their service for free for 7 days. I managed to get over 300 targeted visitors to day to my website. https://brevis.tk/S
#21 2017-03-27 10:50:02 作者: 開心遊戲 訪客
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#22 2017-02-25 09:22:13 作者: 開心遊戲 訪客
I was just looking at your 刺客二轉「絕影」流程完全解析 - 晴空物語online - 官方合作資料攻略站 - 開心遊戲網 HehaGame site and see that your site has the potential to get a lot of visitors. I just want to tell you, In case you didn't already know... There is a website network which already has more than 16 million users, and most of the users are interested in topics like yours. By getting your website on this network you have a chance to get your site more visitors than you can imagine. It is free to sign up and you can find out more about it here: http://deaf.im/zyr-x - Now, let me ask you... Do you need your site to be successful to maintain your business? Do you need targeted traffic who are interested in the services and products you offer? Are looking for exposure, to increase sales, and to quickly develop awareness for your site? If your answer is YES, you can achieve these things only if you get your site on the network I am talking about. This traffic network advertises you
#23 2015-08-14 00:40:23 作者: 開心遊戲 訪客
I was just looking at your 刺客二轉「絕影」流程完全解析 - 晴空物語online - 官方合作資料攻略站 - 開心遊戲網 HehaGame site and see that your site has the potential to become very popular. I just want to tell you, In case you don't already know... There is a website network which already has more than 16 million users, and most of the users are looking for topics like yours. By getting your website on this network you have a chance to get your site more popular than you can imagine. It is free to sign up and you can read more about it here: http://tgi.link/dcf2 - Now, let me ask you... Do you need your website to be successful to maintain your way of life? Do you need targeted traffic who are interested in the services and products you offer? Are looking for exposure, to increase sales, and to quickly develop awareness for your site? If your answer is YES, you can achieve these things only if you get your website on the service I am describing. This traffic service advertises you to t
#24 2015-07-21 10:44:52 作者: 開心遊戲 訪客
I was just looking at your 刺客二轉「絕影」流程完全解析 - 晴空物語online - 官方合作資料攻略站 - 開心遊戲網 HehaGame site and see that your site has the potential to become very popular. I just want to tell you, In case you don't already know... There is a website service which already has more than 16 million users, and most of the users are looking for websites like yours. By getting your website on this network you have a chance to get your site more popular than you can imagine. It is free to sign up and you can read more about it here: http://cabkit.in/e13f - Now, let me ask you... Do you need your site to be successful to maintain your business? Do you need targeted traffic who are interested in the services and products you offer? Are looking for exposure, to increase sales, and to quickly develop awareness for your website? If your answer is YES, you can achieve these things only if you get your site on the service I am describing. This traffic network advertises you to thou
#25 2011-12-06 01:26:33 作者: 開心遊戲 訪客
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